Hi, I'm Sam
I’m a theatre-maker and performer, creating solo performances under the company name of samdoestheatre. I create work which challenges perceived social norms and theatrical conventions, but am also passionate about making my work accessible to all. I’m a big believer in content before form, and use the most effective and evocative staging to convey my ideas across to an audience. can’t stop can’t stop is my first professional devised play. It has recently been selected to perform at the National Student Drama Festival 2018 in Leicester.

(*not very frequently asked questions)
Q. who the hell are u?
A. i thought i just said? i'm sam. usually i'm a normal human being, but every once in a while i do theatre stuff.
Q. what sort of theatre stuff?
A. it depends. the stuff i do here is performance art challenging perceived social and theatrical norms (i guess) whilst trying not to be too pretentious about it. i also frequently do a lot of plays/musical theatre.
Q. what r u doing at the moment?
A. my current show is called 'can't stop can't stop'. it's basically about suffering with ocd, but is more vaguely about irrational rational fears and the way we cope with them.
Q. wait, u have ocd?
A. yes. it is a pain.
Q. i bet. do you have to like wash your hands 276 times? or keep things neatly organised?
A. no. my ocd is nothing like that. in fact not all ocd is like that.
Q. fascinating. so when can i next see yur show?
A. i'm excited to say that the show's next performance will be at cambridge junction on friday 21st october 2022.
Q. cool. where can i find out more info about it?
A. here!
Q. anything else ur working on?
A. watch this space... ðŸŽðŸ‘€
Q. if you could be any piece of fruit, what would you be?
A. i'd be comfortable being a raspberry.